Learning evaluations and intelligence testing for children.

Presence pioneered the remote delivery of Psychoeducational Evaluations in schools. Our reputation for innovative, high-quality services is built on our stellar network of school psychologists, our award-winning platform, and our deep expertise in the remote delivery evaluation services.

Now, we’re offering our evaluation services directly to families. Reach out today for a free consultation.

  • Access to qualified, experienced school psychologists who specialize in remote Comprehensive Learning Evaluations and Intelligence Testing
  • Quick turnarounds, flexible scheduling
  • Work hand-in-hand with our care coordinator throughout the process
  • Convenient, kid-friendly, HIPAA-and-FERPA compliant, award-winning platform
A child receives an evaluation at home

What we do. Evaluation Services

Via by Presence offers services to support your child's learning and development, including Comprehensive Learning Evaluations and Intelligence Testing. We also offer custom consulting for any additional services necessary for your child's academic and personal success.

We are currently offering the following services in California, Florida, Michigan, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, and Vermont. Don't see your state? Sign up to be notified as soon as we're available in your state.

Comprehensive Learning Evaluation

Provides a detailed understanding of your child's academic strengths and challenges. A licensed school psychologist administers assessments, identifying learning disabilities, developmental delays, and other factors. The results offer actionable insights and recommendations to support your child's unique learning needs.

$2,000 per evaluation

Intelligence Testing

Our Intelligence Testing service assesses your child's cognitive abilities, including reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and verbal skills. Conducted by a licensed school psychologist, the results provide a profile of intellectual strengths and areas for growth, aiding in identifying giftedness and planning educational interventions.

$750 per evaluation

Consulting Services

We offer flexible hourly consulting to meet your child's unique needs, including follow-up testing, rating scales, counseling, advocacy, executive functioning support, and parent coaching. Whether you need assessments, guidance on educational systems, or strategies to enhance learning and development, we are here to help.

$200 per hour

Let's talk. Request a Free Consultation

Are you considering a Learning Evaluation, Intelligence Test, or other services for your child? Please complete this form with initial details about your child’s needs and concerns. Your insights are crucial in helping us customize our approach.

Once you submit the form, our clinical team will contact you for a detailed discussion to ensure our services meet your child's specific requirements. Thank you for choosing us to support your child's educational journey.

Consultation Request Form

How it works. Our Process

Curious about how our services work? The process is fairly simple. We'll have a conversation with you, determine what you need, connect you with a School Psychologist who specializes in those services, and support you until all services are completed.

  • Welcome to Via by Presence: We begin with a friendly consultation where we introduce our services and gather essential information about your child’s learning history and current concerns.
  • Meet Your Clinical Coordinator: Your family will be assigned a clinical coordinator with a background in school psychology. They will be your main point of contact throughout the evaluation process. We'll also review our service agreement and answer any questions you may have.
  • Personalized Evaluation Plan: Based on the initial consultation, our team of experienced school psychologists will create a customized assessment plan tailored to your child’s specific needs.
  • Convenient Scheduling: Your clinical coordinator will work with you to schedule the evaluations at times that suit your family best.
  • Background Information: We will discuss any additional clinical work, such as parent interviews, reviewing relevant records, and your child’s developmental history, to prepare for the evaluation.
  • Thorough Assessment: Our school psychologists conduct various evaluations, including cognitive, academic, behavioral, and emotional assessments. These are designed to give a complete picture of your child’s learning profile.
  • Child-Friendly Environment: We ensure all assessments are conducted in a supportive and friendly environment to help your child feel at ease.
  • Flexible Sessions: The number and length of sessions depend on various factors, though we typically expect about five hours of testing spread over a few sessions.
  • Detailed Analysis: Once the evaluations are complete, our school psychologist will analyze the results to identify your child’s strengths and areas needing support.
  • Comprehensive Report: You will receive a detailed report with our findings and clear, actionable recommendations for support and intervention.
  • Personal Follow-Up: Your clinical coordinator will schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the results and answer any questions you may have.
  • Ongoing Support: We provide continuous support to ensure the recommendations are effectively implemented, helping your child continue to progress.

Stay in the loop. Not in your state, yet?

Be the first to know when our services will be available in your state. Just leave us your email address and the state in which you reside. We'll reach out by email as soon as we open up your state.

Sign Up to Receive State Opening Notifications

You ask, we answer. Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we receive about our services.
Tell me more about your school psychologists. Are they qualified?

Our school psychologists are highly qualified and deeply committed to helping children succeed. They have advanced degrees in school psychology and hold certifications or licenses in their states. With extensive experience in conducting Comprehensive Learning Evaluations and Intelligence Testing, both in schools and remotely, you can trust that your child is in capable and caring hands.

Why might my child need a Comprehensive Learning Evaluation?

A Comprehensive Learning Evaluation can be incredibly helpful in understanding your child's unique learning profile. If your child is facing challenges in school, such as difficulties with reading, writing, math, or maintaining focus, this evaluation can pinpoint the root causes. It can also help identify learning disabilities, ADHD, or other developmental concerns. With this information, we can provide personalized recommendations to support your child's educational journey.

Can you tell me more about your Intelligence Testing?

Our Intelligence Testing is designed to give a clear picture of your child's cognitive strengths and areas for growth. We assess abilities like reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and processing speed using standardized, widely respected tests. These insights can help identify giftedness, intellectual disabilities, or other cognitive characteristics, guiding you in making informed decisions about your child's education.

How do your services compare to what my child may receive at school?

Our evaluations are designed to be more personalized and detailed than those typically available in school settings. While schools do a great job, we offer a more comprehensive approach with in-depth analysis and tailored recommendations. Our school psychologists spend more time with each child, ensuring a thorough understanding of their needs. This individualized attention can make a significant difference in your child's educational support.

How long do services take to complete?

We understand that time is important. Generally, our process includes an initial consultation, assessment sessions, report writing, and a feedback meeting. Our typical timeline is about three weeks, but it can take up to 4-6 weeks if there are scheduling challenges. In special cases, we can complete an evaluation in just one week if everyone's schedules align. We aim to provide timely, efficient services without compromising on quality.

What are the requirements for receiving services?

Getting started is easy. Simply complete our intake form and schedule an initial consultation with our clinical coordinator. During this chat, we'll discuss your child's needs, review any previous assessments or school reports, and create a personalized evaluation plan. Since our evaluations are conducted remotely, you'll need access to a computer or laptop (mobile phones, tablets, and iPads won't work). It's also helpful to have an adult or older sibling available to assist during the sessions.

Where are you able to provide services?

We bring our evaluations right to your home. Our services are delivered remotely, so your child can be assessed in the comfort of your own home while our school psychologist works from their office. Currently, we serve families in California, Florida, Michigan, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, and Vermont with plans to expand to more states soon. We're excited to make our services accessible to even more families.

Would you like to be informed when we're available in your state? Join our notification list.

What does it cost and how does payment work?

We strive to be transparent about our pricing. Our Comprehensive Learning Evaluation is $2000, and Intelligence Testing is $750. We also offer consulting services at $200 per hour. Payment for evaluations is required upfront, and we accept credit card, ACH, Paypal, and Apple Pay. For hourly services, we invoice you as they are billed by the school psychologist.

Do you take insurance?

While we don't bill insurance companies directly, we're happy to provide a detailed invoice that you can submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. We recommend checking with your insurance company beforehand to understand your coverage and any required documentation. It's also worth looking into your Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) to cover our services.

Can you perform evaluations for adults?

Yes, we can offer evaluation services to adults, though we specialize in testing for children. Our skilled school psychologists are equipped to provide evaluations and intelligence testing for individuals of all ages. 

If you're interested in such services, please go ahead and complete the request for consultation form above and we'll get back to you.

What digital assessments does Via by Presence offer?

Our school psychologists have deep experience using the following digital assessments as part of learning evaluations.

  • Arizona-4: Arizona Articulation Phonology Scale, 4th Edition
  • Batería IV ACH: Batería IV Achievement
  • Batería IV COG: Batería IV Cognitive
  • Beery VMI-6: Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 6th Edition
  • BBCS:E: Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive
  • BBCS-4:R™: Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Receptive™, 4th Edition
  • BSRA-4™: Bracken School Readiness Assessment, 4th Edition
  • CAS-2™: Cognitive Assessment System™, 2nd Edition
  • CAS-2™: Brief: Cognitive Assessment System™, 2nd Edition: Brief
  • CASL-2: Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, 2nd Edition
  • CTONI-2: Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 2nd Edition
  • CTOPP-2: Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, 2nd Edition
  • DTVP-3: Developmental Test of Visual Perception, 3rd Edition
  • EFT-E:NU: Executive Functions Test-Elementary Normative Update
  • EOWPVT-4: Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4
  • EOWPVT-4-Spanish: Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition
  • GORT-5: Gray Oral Reading Test-5
  • GSRT: Gray Silent Reading Test
  • Jordan Dyslexia Assessment/Reading Program
  • KBIT™-2-Revised: Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test™, 2nd Edition, Revised
  • KTEA™️-3 Brief: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement™️ Brief Form, 3rd Edition
  • KTEA™️-3: Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement™️, 3rd Edition
  • KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment: KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment
  • MVPT-4: Motor-Free Visual Perception Test, 4th Edition
  • OWLS-2: Oral and Written Language Scales-II
  • OPUS™️: Oral Passage Understanding Scale™️
  • PPVT-5: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 5th Edition, Forms A and B
  • PPA- PPA: Phonological and Print Awareness Scale
  • PENS™️: Preschool Early Numeracy Screener™️
  • PTONI™: Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence™
  • RAN/RAS™: Rapid Automatized Naming and Rapid Alternating Stimulus™ Tests
  • ROWPVT-4: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4
  • ROWPVT-4-Spanish: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition
  • TAPS-3-Spanish: Test of Auditory Processing Skills, 3rd Edition-Spanish
  • TAPS-4: Test of Auditory Processing Skills, 4th Edition
  • TOLD-I-5: Test of Language Development-Intermediate-5
  • TOLD-P-5: Test of Language Development-Primary-5
  • TOMAL-2: Test of Memory and Learning, 2nd Edition
  • TONI™-4: Test of Nonverbal Intelligence™, 4th Edition
  • TOPL-2: Test of Pragmatic Language, 2nd Edition
  • TVPS-4: Test of Visual Perception Skills, 4th Edition
  • WAIS®-IV: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale®, 4th Edition
  • WIAT®-4: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®, 4th Edition
  • WISC®-V-Spanish: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®-5-Spanish
  • WISC®-V: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®, 5th Edition
  • WMS-IV: Wechsler Memory Scale, 4th Edition
  • ECAD®: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Early Cognitive and Academic Development
  • WJ® IV-OL: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Oral Language
  • WJ® IV-COG: Woodcock-Johnson® IV Test of Cognitive Abilities
  • WJ®️ IV ACH: Woodcock-Johnson®️ IV Tests of Achievement, Forms A and B

Last assessment list update completed May 17, 2024.